Get rid of excess weight at home every second man dreams, almost, but as you start to lose weight, don't know of any.
From this process of weight loss systematically shifted to "tomorrow", and pounds now added. A visual guide to action – it is exactly what we need.

If there is a clear Plan that determines the start order of the process, to lose the people easier for weight. Create a step-by-step instructions, and you call it "first steps to losing weight".
Step # 1. Analysis and self-diagnosis
In order to identify the target, you need to perform a self-test. This is an important step in the beginning, because the result is the only point of reference that you remember during the whole program.
- You run the calculations the ideal weight for yourself. You can use the calculator for ideal weight, or take as a basis the weight in which they were once comfortable and well. You think Real is the fact that the ultimate goal must, so do not overestimate their strength and capabilities.
- You make basic measurements, the volume of the body (chest, abdomen, thigh). In the process of weight loss, there are moments where the weight of "stands" on the spot, and to reduce the volume further.
- Make a note of the first measurements in the Editor.
- To make it easier to keep track of your results, download a sign in which you celebrate your measurements and the date of measurement. (Link leads to Yandex Disk is absolutely safe and free of charge)
The psychological aspect of it. Many people ask the question: "Why can't I stop eating?". Sometimes the cause of Stress, depression, chronic sleep deprivation, fatigue will have to be with these moments, also to be tackled. For better Motivation, an incentive to think.
We say "NO" to bad food
Step №2. You set the purpose and the duration of
They produced calculations and we obtain certain results – you will be the main objective, which can be played back, in order not to crash. You make colorful posters, place them in a prominent place in your photo, where you like, etc.
Make a realistic time plan. Do not rush things, quickly remove the same quick return of the weight or nervous breakdown. Optimum reduction of the body weight of 3-4 kg per month. You weigh yourself 1 time a week, and you record the results in your diary.
Step Number 3. Counting Calorie Intake
How to lose weight at home: step-by-step instructions
Many people are overweight and do not want or are not able to visit the gym. You sit want to lose home and weight. Yes, you can and at home to lose weight, but you exercise still. But, everything is in order.
At all lose weight at home is not different from the decrease in the hall (because the body is somewhat the same), and consists of four components:
- Diet (40% Success Rate)
- Cardio-Load (30% Success)
- A series of exercises (20% success rate)
- Sports Nutrition (10% Success Rate)
Wherein these components are arranged in descending order of importance. If the Sport can diet be neglected, and there is no need to nutrition is the Foundation. We are going to start.
By the way, I have to warn not to forget, the topic of weight loss to home – it's too much to you to accommodate you in an article. Therefore, this article will consist of Links to other articles.
On the website there are already ready-made menus for weight loss. You don't have to invent. You just have to follow this menu. Here they are:
- Feminine-menu for losing weight
- Male menu for weight loss

Those who do not want to believe something, it can go the other way – the majority of a menu. But for this you need to know the basics of nutrition for weight loss: the 5 basics of nutrition in weight loss. And also know how much you need to eat to calories per day: How many calories you consume per day to lose weight
It's supposed to speed up the metabolism and force your body to consume more energy. For example, a girl with a weight of 60 kg for 30 minutes of slow running, they consume about 350 kcal. And the are about 20% of the daily cost.
As endurance training is any physical activity is suitable, during which their average heart rate of about 130 beats per Minute or higher. It can run, Cardio, swimming, Cycling, football, Sex. Yes, what you want.
The very important parameters – frequency designed. Best Practice 3 days in a row about 30 minutes a day, 1.30. In the ideal case, you 4 – 5 cardio per week for at least 40 minutes. From 40 to 60 minutes. But in this case, if you don't have the third component.
A series of exercises
Is meant Training with dumbbells, bars and other weights. A lot of questions: why they are needed, to lose if the target weight. The answer is simple. These exercises are only needed to keep your muscles from destruction.
Agree that a beautiful figure is not based only from the lack of fat, but if there is enough muscle. If you start to lose weight – the body burns indiscriminately, and fat, and the muscles.
And strength training to force your body to retain muscle. How would you tell him: "dude, you see that the outer habitat is forcing your muscles.
Bless you! Under such conditions, they have to be useful".
Complex exercises at home to lose weight for women:
And for men:
4. Sports nutrition
This item is Optional for weight loss. However, sports nutrition can be a little easier and accelerate this process. This comprehensive fat burner, L-carnitine, Protein, and amino acids. At today's prices sports nutrition you need to in a month about 3000 to spend – 6000 rubles. For more Details here: What is the sports nutrition suitable for losing weight.
I repeat once again that this component is Optional. But with proper use, it is large, it can help those who want to lose weight, is very difficult.
1. As you can see, the process of losing weight is based not only on a diet. More precisely, it can only be built on a diet. And of slimming are really, though not so effectively. But, first, in such cases the diet must be more than hard. And as soon as you are able to stick to a diet for life. And secondly, along with the fat go and your muscles. Muscles even leave earlier.
2. Personally, I recommend all of the 4 components at the same time. However, if you have a very weak physical preparation, the first month you have the possibility of some complex exercises without endurance training.
3. Optimal speed lose weight – 4-5 kg per month. If you lose, weight faster, that means that you lose along with fat and the muscles also.
4. If you and endurance training, and a series of exercises, then in the ideal case, should be about 5 training sessions per week. 2 – 3 Cardio and 2 – 3 Training with bars and dumbbells.
How to eat right to lose weight

Not only in our country but worldwide, a large number of people suffers from obesity. Even if the weight does not exceed hundredweight, appears in many of the abdomen is roundish, and it is the desire to get rid of him. But not so easy.
Excess weight builds up for many reasons: a variety of hereditary diseases, diet, life style, characteristics and preferences in the diet, the amount of food intake, the reception frequency and much more. Agree, if you're on the go, and every day dozens of kilometers, hardly appeared to rounding went in the belly area.
If the cause of the disease is, then, not without the advice of a doctor. Without professional help you may be able to little to do. But if obesity appeared from the sitting activity, love, lying on the Couch, by the daily consumption of burgers and products from the GK, then only you can decide and lose more weight, or gain weight.
Obesity is a serious Problem, a few extra pounds affects the well-being and performance. Therefore, the Situation does not run value. At least occasionally exercises invites me physically: in the morning, a couple of times to run in the week, use the stairs and not the Elevator. All of these steps are elementary and do not require enormous effort, and the result may surprise you.
If you have decided to lose weight, so please read carefully. Not immediately pounce on the first available diet, or the recommendations of a friend, only eat once a day and drink a tablespoon of water. Don't polarize, feel sorry for yourself.
A consultation with a nutritionist, or endocrinologist, which estimate the state of health, determine the ratio of the redundancy weight, give you recommendations for a balanced diet and how to improve them, work and rest, proper nutrition advice. Sudden changes of life style it should not do it, not to the health to undermine. The body, on the contrary, it is still more body fat to accumulate, and you are clamping in a bad mood.
The decision to bring into your life a little Sport is to be welcomed. But do not abuse. No need to run daily around the house for an hour. First of all, the body is not ready to face such heavy loads. Secondly, you give up after a couple of days to lose ideas weight and go back to cakes and pastries.
The main thing, my profile step change the way. Avoid fatty foods and make small excursions in the morning, and complicate my profile and start running by clicking on an appropriate diet.
The most important thing in losing weight is to not only eat the correct mode of the day, but also good. What energy and in which quantities to get the body, depends on the success of the other programs to get rid of extra pounds.
It is important to solve two tasks:
- Determine how many pounds you lose plan, after the passage of the obstacle course in the Form of a special diet.
- Learn and plan a range of products and their quantity, the expenditure of calories.
You keep a diary, write all of your Snacks and a full lunch, Breakfast and dinner. This allows the number of calories that has taken over the past day.
The next step is to eliminate from your diet foods that prevent to reach the goal:
- Rolls and buns.
- Smoked Foods.
- Fat grades of meat and fish, pickles.
- Potatoes.
- Biscuits, gingerbread and the like.
- Candies and sweets, cakes and pastries (well, at least for a while).
The list is quite long, but these products are the most important. And what is not you need to eat, not to starve to death, but also to recharge your energy for the whole day?
- Different soups — they are useful and nutritious.
- Meat lean varieties (beef and veal, beef, poultry) and fish (cod, perch, pikeperch, saithe) are not prohibited. Their number is limited. And not roasted will be consumed.
- Eggs.
- Vegetables and fruits. In them many vitamins.
- Tea, Coffee.
- The milk and milk products.
- Pasta and cereals.
- Bread with bran, whole-grain bread.
- The Vegetable Oil.
But that does not mean that such foods can, in any amount, eat in the course of the day. The importance of the diet is to eat as much food as necessary for life.
Detailed menu for the week

Of the day, you need about 2500 calories. With three compartment food intake, distribute them as follows:
- Breakfast – 35%
- Lunch – 40%
- Dinner – 25%
You make a menu for the week. Show your imagination, vary your diet in order to have it complete. We give various possibilities for the taking and you choose the suitable one for yourself.
- Porridge on the water (you can add nuts and raisins), a glass of milk, two eggs.
- Mashed potatoes, boiled fish, a glass of milk.
- Cereal with milk (or cereal), egg, juice.
- Banana, orange and yogurt.
- Low-Fat Quark, sour cream, Apple.
- A glass of milk and pancakes with cottage cheese.
- The soup, buckwheat porridge with mushrooms, pumpkin salad with tomatoes and juice.
- Ear, cut of meat, vegetables, a glass of juice.
- Borsch, Buckwheat, Zrazy, Cocoa.
Afternoon snack
- Fruit yoghurt.
- Vegetable salad with sour cream, juice.
- Sandwich with cheese, a glass of milk.
- Salad, boiled chicken, green tea.
- Fish chips, Greek salad, a glass of milk.
- Chicken, Vegetables, Salad, Tea.
This is just a rough menu, number of meals, and a range of products. Try to avoid monotony. You should fun of the meal, and a complete set of nutrients.